A Cheating Man Misses Out On Paradise On Earth
A man who chooses to secretly engage with multiple women while being in an exclusive relationship, is a man who doesn’t know the dimension of paradise on earth.
He believes that his desire to feel pleasure, newness and connection is not acceptable in the realm he operates in. He built himself a cage where his belief about the world limits his capacity of showing up as all that he is, with all that he wants.
His experience of being a human seeking love and connection is like being a slave to certain rules and structures, that captivates him in a lying cycle. He subconsciously chooses the surface of living on earth, the way the movies and hip hop lyrics tell us about what it is to love, how women are, how men are.
He believes that his love is great and he wants to spread it, but because of the cage he built himself he cannot be honest. He fuels his life story with secrets and lies, because being open and honest is the scariest thing he can imagine. Naked, raw, exposed. Would he be accepted? Would he still have his freedom? Will he still have his mysterious conquering effect on women?
He chooses a certain level of life that will satisfy him in chapters. Short chapters of something felt like love and belonging. Passion, future dreaming, movie moments. But then his heart closes and his ego is looking for more. More women, more sex, more admiration, more adventure.
Because opening up to the feminine freaks him out, and to be honest he doesn’t see how that enriches his life. He stays in his game of lies, breakups and make ups, of connecting and disconnecting.
What if he could have it all? Multiple connections, lots of love, respect and abundance? What would his life look like without the secrets? If there was no secrets, if everything would boil up to the surface, would it mean his deepest wounds would too? Be exposed, judged, and felt.
A man who lies about his desires and needs can never meet the feminine in a sacred union and she will walk away. What if he knew that he could have it all. He could create the relationships, the passion, the experiences that he wants, by being open about it. Would he even want it? Or is his engine inside dependent on the secrets, on the shallow relating, on the arguments, on the pushing away?
When stopping, accepting, allowing, receiving and opening his heart, he becomes vulnerable – and has to look at shit. It’s more comfortable to choose a life outside paradise on earth, outside connection to the divine and nature and truth and light. Being disconnected from his life force, his sexual energy, his responsibility, his feelings, avoiding being the king in his own life. It’s more comfortable to believe he is not fully worthy of everything his heart desires and continuing failing in love.